What are VVS Diamonds?

What are VVS Diamonds?

The term VVS stands for Very, Very Slightly Included. This term is a measure of a diamond's clarity, which refers to the visual appearance of a diamond and its internal inclusions or external blemishes.When a diamond is given a grade of VVS, it signifies that it has extremely small inclusions that are difficult to see even when the diamond is seen face-up with a 10x magnification.


As a result, VVS diamonds are described to as "eye-clean," which means that you cannot notice any imperfections or flaws with the naked eye.  VVS diamonds are one step below internally flawless (FL) diamonds on the clarity grading scale. VVS diamonds belong into the category of exceptionally rare diamonds that have very few or no clarity features.


Why VVS Diamond Jewelry?

VVS diamond jewelry is one of the most well-known accessories among the hip-hop culture and artists. In the past, obtaining a VVS diamond was limited to those who were born into wealth. Read up on the history of hip hop jewelry to learn more about this.  Today, though, anyone can get their hands on one and you don't need to be rich to do so! These absurdly pricey VVS diamonds have been bought by numerous artists as a means of displaying their wealth. These artists even go to the extent of incorporating these jewels and gems in their music to flaunt their social status on the media. With Hip-hop and diamonds, these two have a long history together and the relation between the two will continue to prosper. 


There are several explanations for why some people would love to own a VVS diamond. The most obvious reason is because of its gleam and brilliance, which have the power to catch eyes and turn heads on even on the busiest street. Another aspect is its capacity to emphasize  money, which is especially essential for aspiring artists and rappers in the hip hop industry. Also keep in mind diamonds with better clarity can offer you the desired brilliance.


VVS diamonds are in high diamond and are extremely rare, additionally making them a valuable investment.  That being said, look no further and check out Aluxe Jewelry today if you're looking for the perfect VVS jewelry where you won't have to worry about an opportunistic jeweler breathing down your neck! We have a beautiful selection of diamond jewelry, so whether you prefer necklaces or watches, we can satisfy your needs and exceed your expectations.

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